Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Fugitives on The Long March

It has meanwhile passed into Chinese folklore as The Long March; in reality it was a long flight. If I say folklore then that is incorrect; folklore is made by the people. The myth of the long march was invented by Mao Zedong to glorify the communist cause, but more himself. Always thinking of himself first, like any good communist he not only caused unmeasured suffering but sold it as a triumph.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Princes: Not All That Glitters

There are Princes and Princesses, and then there are Princes and Princesses. Some are Royal or more, some are not. The problem lies in geography. Depending on where the title came from, the title of Prince does not mean the same thing. The puzzle can be solved given some knowledge of geography and history, and quite some of the muddle derived from translating foreign titles into English.