Thursday, December 24, 2020

History Of 12 Days Of Christmas

A short time after the divorce of Henry VIII from Queen Catherine, living as a Catholic in England became a bit of a bother. The inconvenience was losing your estates, your properties, or your head, or all of the above. As Catholics were repressed, their teachings went underground. One way of doing that was with teaching songs. One of these teaching songs was 12 Days Of Christmas.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Fugitives on The Long March

It has meanwhile passed into Chinese folklore as The Long March; in reality it was a long flight. If I say folklore then that is incorrect; folklore is made by the people. The myth of the long march was invented by Mao Zedong to glorify the communist cause, but more himself. Always thinking of himself first, like any good communist he not only caused unmeasured suffering but sold it as a triumph.